Fascia – What is it?
The body is a lot of separate parts all attaching to one another but “everything is connected to everywhere else” by a system of anatomy called The Fascial System.
Fascia is a connective tissue which interweaves between muscles, bones, joints, organs, nerves and more providing a continuous 3-dimensional matrix of structural support. It consists of many substances which gives it the ability to hold us together and keep everything in place so we can live and move.
Not only does it hold us together it endows the body with a functional structure or posture. A good, healthy posture allows us to carry on with our daily lives free of pain. Problems arise because the fascia adapts to changes in the structure it surrounds due to trauma and this can lead to pain and dysfunction.
Trauma occurs from:
- Repetitive movements
- Sedentary Postures
- Accidents and Injuries
- Surgical Procedures
- Emotional Stress
The Fascial Effect is about helping you understand the complex activities of our fascial system so that you can:
- Maintain a healthy posture
- Improve flexibility
- If possible, be pain free or at least manage the pain
- Recover from injuries and surgeries and continue to move with ease and grace
- Anti-ageing from the inside out