Ahhhhhh! Hot Stone Therapy!
Our busy lives generate stress – and stress creates tension. This often means tight shoulders, stiff neck and pain in either your upper or lower back. Most of us just soldier on – and, surprise, surprise, it doesn’t just go away!
A hot stone massage releases all that tension and relaxes your tight muscles. The heat alongside the Fascial Effect™ massage techniques can reach 10 times deeper into the body treating those trigger points that cause pain and restrict movement. The results for most people is ‘Ahhhhhh – that’s better!’
But that’s not all hot stones can do for you.
Massage with hot stones can get rid of the toxins that build up in your body. People often think the only way to detox is following a strict detox diet and drinking lots and lots of water. However, a treatment with heated stones warms the body to the core and boosts the circulation, encouraging the release of toxins via the lymphatic system and gentle perspiration.
Hot stone treatment is a great way to boost your immune system; the heat spreads deep into the muscles creating the kind of warmth most of us get from a holiday in the sun. The moist heat can also release congestion lingering from a cold and speed up recovery.
If you’re feeling tired and lethargic, a hot stone massage is a gentle re-energiser.
There are many good reasons to book yourself in for hot stones therapy regularly, just choose the one that applies to you and know that your body will thank you.
To book an appointment call Jas on 07775 633 798.