Do you look your age?
Anti-ageing is a hot topic. There’s no such thing as eternal youth (except, perhaps, in mind and spirit), but you can slow the process down.
A specially-developed series of Fascial Effect™ facials will energise your face, give your complexion a healthy glow, smooth out fine lines and increase ‘plumpness’ or volume.
No surgery, no injections, no oils – just relaxing hands-on toning. This means that you don’t need to worry about allergic reactions.
The unique Fascial Effect™ facial combines a number of clinical and alternative techniques that noninvasively stimulate the natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid (that gives your face that plump, youthful look) and reduce stress. Nobody will know how you seem to stay so young looking without fillers or Botox.
Book your assessment for the Fascial Effect™ facial call 07775 633798 now.