You are what you eat
Your nutritional status plays a pivotal role in strength and healing. So, what do you know about yours?
You know that you need a nutritious diet for your well-being and good health. When your body receives all the nutrients in appropriate amounts to meet its needs, you are in the state of good nutrition. However, when the nutrients provided in the diet are inadequate, either too little or too much of what is required, it results in a state of imbalance in the body. This means you are suffering from malnutrition!
If you become seriously ill or need an operation, the odds are against you if you are malnourished. If your nutritional status is good, you are likely to recover quickly.
There are times when you need more of a certain nutrient. Vitamin C and zinc strengthen our immunity and protect against respiratory infections. Vitamin D gives our bones support in the winter months when there’s not much sunshine. And sometimes you need to take additional protein to help your body to be strong.
The word protein literally means ‘of primary importance’. This could not be truer if you need surgery because one of the primary roles of protein is to repair and renew body tissues and muscles.
Protein helps your body growth and development, particularly for children, and in the fitness industry taking additional protein for muscle building is common.
Before an operation, nutritional intake may be limited simply because when you’re unwell you feel less like eating. Then on the day of the operation and several days thereafter normal eating habits are often interrupted partly because of the pre-operative ‘Nil by Mouth’ requirement and several post-operative days of feeling unwell with loss of appetite, it’s not surprising that deficiencies in protein often occur. This is serious, especially in older patients because although some post-surgical muscle loss is inevitable, inadequate protein intake can lead to slow wound healing and significant muscle wastage. In serious cases, this can lead to a loss of independence.
The goal of pre-operative nutrition is to prepare yourself for a procedure that creates some stress on your body. Consider pre-surgery nutrition as the equivalent of preparing for a marathon or a big game. This is where supplements are essential to give your body the support it needs and choosing the right ones for you can be challenging, there are so many options.
I’ve looked into many different types of supplement and I found these seed-based natural supplements a few years ago. I use them myself and can totally recommend them.
Soul is an excellent source of all round nutrition with naturally anti-inflammatory and antioxidant fuel to help you prepare your body for surgery.
An adequate amount of protein is particularly essential because it helps to:
According to the NCBI website a good nutritional status is a strong predictor of post-operative recovery time without complications. Form is good quality vegan protein supplementation which is low in sugar, with added vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium.
- Reduce the stress and inflammation caused by the surgery
- Repair, renew and regenerate the tissues in and around the wound
- Lessen muscle wastage and maintain muscle strength
- Repair fractures and any damage to organs
Although your body may not be quite the same again, maintaining a good nutritional status before and after surgery with supplements if necessary is essential for a speedy recovery and helps you return to doing the things you love as soon as possible.
To shop for healthy seed oil supplements Click here or if you have any questions on any of these issues – please drop me an email at jas@thefascialeffect.co.uk.