Tune up your body
Most patients are a product of the lifestyle they lead – or sometimes even a lifestyle they led in the past, which comes back to haunt them!
The body is a highly sophisticated machine that depends on all the systems working together in harmony. For this to happen there needs to be balance.
Your internal systems all affect each other, your temperature, blood pressure, hormones, digestive system all have an impact. And don’t leave out your emotional wellbeing; it’s a proven fact that your state of mind can affect you physically. If you’re stressed or under pressure it can manifest physically in headaches, raised blood pressure, aches and pains, etc.
Exercise and nutrition also play a part. It’s a bit like a car – a high performance machine needs the right fuel – and an occasional ‘thrash’ to keep it top nick! That applies as much to your body as to a F1 racing car.
Balance is the key
We talk about work-life balance, about nutritional balance, about the importance of exercise and mental wellbeing. The challenge for most of us is that we live such busy lives. We’re running from home to work to the school pick up, then to the gym and when do we have time to pay close attention to everything? Just trying to manage it all will throw your mental wellbeing out of balance.
Even if you think that you eat healthily you’re almost certainly missing some essential nutrients. But who has the time to work out exactly what every carrot or piece of fruit contributes in nutritional value?
Back to basics
In the world of personal development there is a model, developed by Abraham Maslow, known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This is based on the theory that we need to have our basic needs met – air, water, food – first, before we can move to the next most important needs. In other words you start at the bottom of this diagram and work upwards.
There is an ironic addition to the model in today’s world, where some of the younger generation claim that Wi-Fi and a fully-charged battery are more important than air and water!
Basically, it means that you need to tick all the boxes to arrive at the top.

So we have plenty of food, but not enough time to ensure we’re getting the right nutrition – I’m not sure Maslow was looking at that, he was more focused on the essentials to survive. But if your body isn’t getting the nutrition it needs, that can manifest as a whole range of symptoms:
- Headaches
- Aches and pains
- Tiredness
- Lethargy
- Brain fog
Sound familiar?
Everything starts with a seed
Life exists from seeds. So that means that seeds contain everything you need. That’s why a seed-based supplement makes perfect sense.
I tried this myself and was surprised at the results – and the changes are subtle, for instance, I noticed I walked up the steep hill into town without puffing and blowing, my energy levels are enhanced and I just feel better.
Other benefits include:
- Reduction in inflammation
- Less water retention
- Ridding the body of toxins
- Fewer general aches and pains
- Hormonal balance as a result of the Omega fats
And best of all
- Slows down the ageing process
That’s because the combination of seeds fights free radical damage; renews and rejuvenates cells and energises at a cellular level.
If you’re one of those busy women who packs 26 hours into every 24, give your body a boost. Find out more here or give me a call on 07775 633798 and lets find out what your body needs.